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CJI uses a variety of volunteer help to better serve our clients. If you are interested in volunteering in our office as a Law Clerk and/or to provide other clerical assistance, please contact Mara Bridgman at


Other Volunteer Opportunities:


  • Basic Wills and Estate Planning Clinic: assists low-income individuals in preparing basic estate planning documents such as a basic will, power of attorney for finances, or power of attorney for health care. Attorneys assist individuals at clinics held on Saturdays, four clinics per year.​​​​



If you are an attorney and would like to do additional pro bono work with our Volunteer Lawyers for Justice program please contact Jennifer Binkley at​​

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**Disclaimer:  The information on this website is not a substitute for personal legal advice. Contacting CJI does not create an attorney-client relationship, unless you are accepted as a client of the firm. Prior to establishing an attorney-client relationship, we would need to discuss your specific legal situation with you, complete a conflict check, and discuss and agree upon the terms of legal representation.

**Descargo de responsabilidad: La información contenida en este sitio web no sustituye el asesoramiento legal personal. La comunicación con CJI por este sitio web no crea una relación abogado-cliente, a menos que usted sea aceptado como cliente de la firma. Antes de establecer una relación abogado-cliente, necesitamos discutir su situación legal específica con usted, completar una verificación de conflicto y discutir y acordar los términos de la representación legal.

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